Part time job Remote Content Designer

Job Summary:

We are looking for a confident and competent editor who will write and review written content, and use multimedia effectively, to ensure the appropriate content is shown to users. They will ensure content is in the right place and in the best format to help users achieve their goals. The Content Designer will work closely with User Researchers to ensure their content is based on evidenced user needs.

They will also work with Interaction Designers and Service Designers to design end-to-end experiences that meet user needs. They will sit within the Technology Directorate in the wider User Experience team, working on digital products and communications, but may also create content for offline channels. They will employ user-centered design principles and agile methodologies to help build a user-focused culture.

Key Duties (Sample):

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be expected to work independently in agile delivery teams, or on solo work, creating content to meet user needs and make complex information easy to understand
formulate hypotheses, gain insights and use evidence, data and research to create, evaluate, update and review content at all stages of the end-to-end user journey
choose the best options to make content understandable to different audiences, writing in plain English in a way that users understand and that meets accessibility requirements

contribute to and use style guidelines and content patterns to align with the agency tone of voice and create consistency
focus on outcomes and the impact that content can have on the end user and contribute to the creation of measures of success
work collaboratively with agile teams to create content to be included in and promote digital products and apply an agile mindset to their work
identify important stakeholders and communicate with them clearly and regularly, tailoring the communication to suit the audience

present content and insights to stakeholders, teams and users to help align and inform decision-making
engage with the Met Office Communications team and contribute to the cross-government content community
use a range of tools and platforms to plan and manage their work
contribute to office-wide content strategies and policies and communicate these with the team
champion user-centred design practices and represent the user in a multidisciplinary team
be an active member of the UX practice to help embed and grow a user-centred culture across the organisation

Additional information to note:

This position is located in Exeter, remote working with once a month in the office or as required to attend meetings, workshops and user testing